Home > I Never Bachelorette Game
I Never Bachelorette Game

Drinking Games for Bachelor Parties
I Never - The Bachelorette
Party Game
Here is how to play: Sit in a circle or around a table. Each person
will read a phrase starting with "I never". Anyone who
has done this fiendish act must drink. The innocent women do not
have to drink (they never have any fun anyway).
Here is an example: The Bachelorette
says "I never kissed a man over 40 years old". This
is followed by most of the moms in the crowd drinking.
Here is a list of "I nevers"
to get you started. The game works best when you make your own.
Please don't say "I never slept with the groom". This
is considered bad taste.
- I never...
- Cheated on a boyfriend
- Went skinny-dipping
- Have seen a male stripper (you might
want to play this game early in the evening).
- lied about my age.
- Lied about my weight.
- Lied about my height
- Stuffed my bra.
- Used food in the bedroom.
- Did a striptease for my steady.
- Had a striptease done for me.
- Had a one nigh stand.
- Used a sex toy.
- Wore a skirt without underwear.
- Smoked Marijuana.
- Had Liposuction
- Had sex in a car.
- Had sex in the living room.
- Have been tied up.
- Had sex on an airplane.
- Had sex in an elevator.
- Had sex in a swimming pool or hot
- Had sex outside.
- Shoplifted.
- Threw up in public.
- Masturbated in the presence of someone
- Woke up with a man who I didn't know.
- Participated in a hot-oil massage
- Fooled around with someone a friend
- Kissed another woman.
- Kissed two different guys in one night.
- Went out with a married man.
- Had a homosexual dream.
- Sunbathed Nude.
You might have noticed that these are
all things you are not really supposed to do. If you did notice
this, you understand the game perfectly.
This game is especially fun if you know
a good friend has done some goofy things. Say for example your
friend Wendy peed her pants once in the 6th grade. You could say
"I never peed my pants in the 6th grade Christmas pageant".
Everyone will be looking around to see who the heck you are talking
about. Wendy will have to drink. Watch out! Wendy probably knows
something nasty about you as well...
Fun Stuff....