Home > A Bachelor Party Pledge
A Bachelor Party Pledge

One potential pitfall to a good bachelor party is that guests do not know what to do. Dudes can be lazy guests, so it is typical for guys to come over to your house and then stand around with nothing to do and no expectations. This is OK if you are watching a big game, but if this is going to be the bachelor's last night out for a while you really should get everyone going.
This Bachelor Party Pledge gives everyone an idea of what to expect during the evening. It also subtly tells them what you expect from them as guests. It should work really well to get things going.
You print it out yourself and then you can ask the dudes to sign it. The pledge is provided by the folks at Bachelorette.com. Although they sell mostly bachelorette party stuff, there really is no better place to buy bachelor party items as well. Look carefully at the pledge, there is a coupon code on the bottom that you can use to save 10% off an inflatable sheep doll or other crap.
Click here to download the free bachelor party pledge.